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Bus ROSALIA INDAH From Malang pool To Term. Purwokerto

Malang pool

12 Jam 34 Menit
Bus Route:
Term. Purwokerto

Operator Details

12 Jam 34 Menit
Estimated Price
Rp 140K-182K
(Tarif Terjauh)
8:00, 16:00, 19:00
(Schedule from Malang Pool )

- Batu, RM. Minajaya Lestari Jl. Pattimura 37 Batu - Malang
- Karangkates, Jalan Jend. Basuki Rahmat, Terminal karangkates, Kios No.004, Karangkates, Sumber Pucung, Karangkates, Sumber Pucung, Malang, Jawa Timur 65165
- Landungsari, Jl. Tlogo Mas – Lowokwaru – Malang
- Lowokwaru, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.57 , Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65142
- Malang pool, Jl. Hamid Rusdi No.15, 3, Bunulrejo, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65126
- Ngantang,
- Batu: (0341) 593674,
- Karangkates: 0341 386973, 0815 6770 4511
- Landungsari: , 081235460032
- Lowokwaru: (0341) 494 960,
- Malang pool: (0341)326608 - 326634, 0815 6789 8068
- Pakis Aji: 0341 832356, 0815 6770 4510
- Pujon: , 082143589145
- Safari: , 0815 6770 4513
- Selorejo: (0342) 332415, 0815 6770 4515
- Singosari : (0341) 454315,
- Terminal Arjosari: ( 0341 ) 471480, 0815 6770 4516

Question / Answer

How long does it take from Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto using the bus ROSALIA INDAH ?
  • 12 Jam 34 Menit

How far is the distance from Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto?
  • 544.3 km

How do I buy a ticket for ROSALIA INDAH bus from Malang pool bus to Term. Purwokerto?
  • Tickets can be purchased: at the station or agent

What is the phone number of the ROSALIA INDAH bus agent that routes Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto?
  • - Batu: (0341) 593674,
    - Karangkates: 0341 386973, 0815 6770 4511
    - Landungsari: , 081235460032
    - Lowokwaru: (0341) 494 960,
    - Malang pool: (0341)326608 - 326634, 0815 6789 8068
    - Pakis Aji: 0341 832356, 0815 6770 4510
    - Pujon: , 082143589145
    - Safari: , 0815 6770 4513
    - Selorejo: (0342) 332415, 0815 6770 4515
    - Singosari : (0341) 454315,
    - Terminal Arjosari: ( 0341 ) 471480, 0815 6770 4516

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus that costs Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto have a cooler / AC?
  • Yes

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus from Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto have a Toilet?

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus that costs Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto provide a meal service?
  • Yes

At what time does the morning / early bus departure from Malang pool to Term. Purwokerto?
  • 8:00, 16:00, 19:00
    (Schedule from Malang Pool )

At what time is the most nightly departure of the bus ROSALIA INDAH from Malang pool bus to Term. Purwokerto?
  • 8:00, 16:00, 19:00
    (Schedule from Malang Pool )

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