Bus DMI Time 17.00 Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 70.000. this bus departs from AJIBARANG To Poris Plawad Bus Route:Karawang- Cikarang- Cibitung- Bekasi- Jakarta Pulogadung- Jakarta Kampung Rambutan- Jakarta Lebak Bulus- Tangerang . (2015-07-28)
Bus SINAR JAYA Time Pagi 07.00 Sore: 17.00 Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 200.000. this bus departs from AJIBARANG To Poris Plawad Bus Route:Cileungsi- Tangerang - Bitung. (2023-04-16)
Bus HANDOYO TRANSPORT Time 15:45 Class:VIP AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 220.000. this bus departs from AJIBARANG To Poris Plawad Bus Route:-. (2022-07-07 10:11:49)