Bus DAMRI Time 15.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 550.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:Bandung- Jakarta- Merak- Bakauheuni- Rajabasa- Bandar Jaya- Lampung Kota Bumi- Bukit Kemuning- Martapura- Baturaja- Tanjung Enim- Muara Enim- Lahat- Tebing Tinggi- Lubuk Linggau- Curup. (2020-06-29)
Bus PAHALA KENCANA Time 09.00, 15.00 Class:Executive Fare: Rp 260.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:Bdg-jkt-clg-bdl-lpt. (2021-11-22 17:57:16)
Bus PAHALA KENCANA Time 11.00, 10.00, 19.00 Class:Executive Fare: Rp 260.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:Bdg-jkt-clg-bdl-lpt. (2021-11-22 17:57:16)
Bus PAHALA KENCANA Time 10.00 Class:Executive Fare: Rp 290.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:Bdg-jkt-clg-bdl-lpt-oku. (2021-11-22 17:57:16)
Bus PAHALA KENCANA Time 09.00 Class:Executive Fare: Rp 290.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:Bdg-jkt-clg-bdl-lpt-oku. (2021-11-22 17:57:16)
Bus KRAMAT DJATI Time - Sukarno Hatta 34 : 17:00 - Jl Ambon No 3 : 19:00 Class:Executive Fare: Rp 265.000. this bus departs from BANDUNG To LAMPUNG Bus Route:-. (2020-04-15 15:46:32)