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Indonesian Bus Schedule and Fare Information From BEKASI BARAT To YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN

2 result(s) found:

Sinar Jaya

Class: Eksekutif AC seat:2-2

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 120K-156K
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 17:00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 120.000. this bus departs from BEKASI BARAT To YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN Bus Route:Wangon- Rawalo- Sampang- Buntu- Gombong- Kebumen- Purworejo.

Agen Bus PO. Sinar Jaya Bekasi Bara...
Bus Route:Wangon- Rawalo- Sampang- Buntu- Gombong-...
Yogyakarta Giwangan
Schedule from Bekasi Barat:

Murni Jaya

Class: Eksekutif AC seat:2-2

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 190K-160K
Bus MURNI JAYA Time 16.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 190.000. this bus departs from BEKASI BARAT To YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN Bus Route:Tanah Merdeka- Cempaka Putih- Jakarta Pulogadung- Jakarta Cakung- Pondok Ungu- Kranji- Bekasi Barat.

Terminal Tanjung Priok...
Bus Route:Tanah Merdeka- Cempaka Putih- Jakarta Pu...
Yogyakarta Giwangan
Schedule from Jakarta Tanjung Priok:

Note: providing information about bus schedule and fare information but NO WARANTY for the accuracy of the information

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