Bus PRIMAJASA Time 05.00 s/d 19.00 ( Setiap 45 Menit ) . Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 100.000. this bus departs from BEKASI To CIREBON Bus Route:Cikopo- Palimanan- Plumbon- Cirebon- Ciperna. (2020-12-14)
Bus PRIMAJASA Time 05.10, 05.50, 06.30, 07.10, 07.50, 08.40, 09.30, 12.50, 13.30, 14.10, 14.50, 15.40, 16.30, 17.20, 18 Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 100.000. this bus departs from BEKASI To CIREBON Bus Route:Cikopo- Sumber Jaya- Cirebon- Ciledug Cirebon. (2020-06-08)
Bus PRIMAJASA Time 05.00, 06.00, 07.00, 08.00, 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.30, 18.30 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 100.000. this bus departs from BEKASI To CIREBON Bus Route:Cikopo. (2020-06-06)
Bus SETIA NEGARA Time 20.05 Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 100.000. this bus departs from BEKASI To CIREBON Bus Route:Pondok Ungu- Kranji- Cipeujeuh- Karang Sembung- Karang Wareng- Pabuaran- Jatiseeng. (2020-02-09)
Bus PO GUNUNG HARTA Time 14.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 275.000. this bus departs from BEKASI To CIREBON Bus Route:Cirebon- Semarang- Tuban- Lamongan. (2015-11-12)