Bus PRIMAJASA Time 05.00 s.d 17.00 Setiap 40 Menit, Khusus Senin 24.00 Class:Ekonomi AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 95.000. this bus departs from CIKIJING To BEKASI Bus Route:Talaga- Maja- Cigasong- Majalengka- Kadipaten- Cikopo. (2020-06-08)
Bus PRIMAJASA Time 05.05, 06.15, 07.25 08.35,11.30, 15.10, 17.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 115.000. this bus departs from CIKIJING To BEKASI Bus Route:Talaga- Maja- Cigasong- Majalengka- Kadipaten- Cikopo. (2020-06-08)
Bus MEKARSARI TRANS Time 18:30 Class:Shuttle Hiace Executive Fare: Rp 200.000. this bus departs from CIKIJING To BEKASI Bus Route:-. (2022-07-04 05:49:32)
Bus MEKARSARI TRANS Time 07:00, 17:00 Class:Shuttle Hiace Executive Fare: Rp 200.000. this bus departs from CIKIJING To BEKASI Bus Route:-. (2022-07-04 05:49:22)