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Indonesian Bus Schedule and Fare Information From PANGANDARAN To BANDUNG
2 result(s) found:
BUDIMAN Ekonomi Non AC seat:3-2
BUDIMAN Bisnis AC seat:2-2
Tarif Terjauh Rp 110K-143K
Bus BUDIMAN Time 03.00 s/d 18.30 Setiap 1 jam Class:Ekonomi Non AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 110.000. this bus departs from PANGANDARAN To BANDUNG Bus Route:Banjarsari- Banjar Patroman- Ciamis- Tasikmalaya.
Terminal Pangandaran...
Bus Route:Banjarsari- Banjar Patroman- Ciamis- Tas...
Bandung Cicaheum
Schedule from Pangandaran:
03.00 to 18.30 Every 1 hour
Tarif Terjauh Rp 125K-162K
Bus BUDIMAN Time 06.00 s/d 18.00 Setiap 1 Jam Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 125.000. this bus departs from PANGANDARAN To BANDUNG Bus Route:Banjarsari- Banjar Patroman- Ciamis- Tasikmalaya.
Terminal Pangandaran...
Bus Route:Banjarsari- Banjar Patroman- Ciamis- Tas...
Bandung Cicaheum
Schedule from Pangandaran:
06.00 to 18.00 Every 1 Hour
Note: providing information about bus schedule and fare information but NO WARANTY for the accuracy of the information
Bus Jurusan Bandung Pangandaran / Pangandaran Bandung