Bus SINAR JAYA Time 12.45 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 140.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Matesih- Solo- Kartosuro- Boyolali- Sruwen- Salatiga- Bawen- Ungaran- Penjaringan- Kapuk- Jakarta Kali Deres. (2020-02-04)
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 08.30 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 140.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Semarang- Klampok- Brebes- Jakarta Pulo Gebang. (2020-06-28)
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 10.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 150.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Slogohimo- Jatisrono- Sidoharjo- Ngadirejo- Wonogiri- Sukoharjo- Solo- Boyolali- Salatiga- Jakarta Kalideres- Tangerang Poris- Cikokol Tangerang- Bitung. (2018-12-04)
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 09.30 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 150.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Karangturi- Ngadirejo- Wonogiri- Sukoharjo- Solo- Boyolali- Sruwen- Salatiga- Cikarang Barat- Cibitung- Bekasi Timur- Jakarta Lebak Bulus. (2020-11-11)
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 14.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 160.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Solo- Kartosuro- Boyolali- Sruwen- Salatiga- Bawen- Ungaran- Cibitung- Bekasi Timur- Jakarta Pulo Gebang- Jakarta Lebak Bulus- Ciledug. (2020-08-10)
Bus PAHALA KENCANA Time 13.35, 15.05 Class:VIP Fare: Rp 150.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Slo-smg-tgl-crb-jkt. (2022-10-30 14:46:29)
Bus JAYA Time 10.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 150.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Madiun- Solo- Semarang- Pekalongan- Tegal- Jakarta Timur- Jakata Selatan. (2015-08-03)
Bus RAYA Time 16.00, 17.00 Class:Bisnis Non AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 155.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Kartosuro- Boyolali- Salatiga- Semarang. (2018-10-05)
Bus RAYA Time 16.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 250.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Kartosuro- Boyolali- Salatiga- Semarang- Jakarta Lebak Bulus. (2015-11-11)
Bus RAYA Time 17.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 250.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Kartosuro- Boyolali- Salatiga- Semarang- Jakarta Pinang Ranti- Pasar Rebo- Cijantung- Pal- Cibinong. (2015-11-11)
Bus HARAPAN JAYA Time 12.30 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 250.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Kediri- Madiun- Ngawi- Solo. (2015-11-23)
Bus HARAPAN JAYA Time 11.30 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 305.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:Tulungagung- Kediri- Madiun- Ngawi- Solo. (2015-11-23)
Bus ROSALIA INDAH Time 18:30, 15:00 Class:Super Top Double Decker Fare: Rp 265.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:-. (2024-01-06 20:31:09)
Bus ROSALIA INDAH Time 18:30 Class:Executive Plus Double Decker Fare: Rp 315.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:-. (2024-01-06 20:31:09)
Bus ROSALIA INDAH Time 18:30 Class:First Class Double Decker Fare: Rp 400.000. this bus departs from SOLO To JAKARTA Bus Route:-. (2024-01-06 20:31:09)