Bus SINAR JAYA Time 09.30 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 150.000. this bus departs from SUKOHARJO To Bekasi Timur Bus Route:Karangturi- Ngadirejo- Wonogiri- Sukoharjo- Solo- Boyolali- Sruwen- Salatiga- Cikarang Barat- Cibitung- Bekasi Timur- Jakarta Lebak Bulus. (2020-11-11)
Bus HARAPAN JAYA Time 09:15, 16:00 Class:VIP AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 200.000. this bus departs from SUKOHARJO To Bekasi Timur Bus Route:-. (2022-06-01 06:34:39)
Bus AGRAMAS Time 08:00, 19:25, 19:15 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from SUKOHARJO To Bekasi Timur Bus Route:-. (2022-04-26 21:50:11)