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Indonesian Bus Schedule and Fare Information From Tanjung Priok To Gemolong


8 result(s) found:

SINAR JAYA Eksekutif AC seat:2-2

Sinar Jaya

Class: Eksekutif AC seat:2-2

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 120K-150K
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 15.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 120.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:Jakarta Pulo Gebang- Bekasi Timur- Cibitung- Penggaron- Gubug- Penawangan- Purwodadi- Gendingan.

Terminal Tanjung Priok...
Bus Route:Jakarta Pulo Gebang- Bekasi Timur- Cibit...
Schedule from Tanjung Priok:

GARUDA MAS Patas AC seat:
GARUDA MAS Bisnis AC seat:2-2

Garuda Mas

Class: Patas AC seat:

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 140K-250K
Bus GARUDA MAS Time 13.30 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 140.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:Semarang- Purwodadi- Sumber Lawang- Gemolong- Sragen- Ngawi- Madiun.

Terminal Tanjung Priok...
Bus Route:Semarang- Purwodadi- Sumber Lawang- Gemo...
Schedule from Jakarta Tanjung Priok:

Garuda Mas

Class: Bisnis AC seat:2-2

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 250K-325K
Bus GARUDA MAS Time 13.30 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 250.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:Purwodadi- Sumber Lawang- Gemolong- Sragen- Ngawi- Madiun.

Terminal Tanjung Priok...
Bus Route:Purwodadi- Sumber Lawang- Gemolong- Srag...
Schedule from Jakarta Tanjung Priok:

AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)


Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 210K-273K
Bus AGRAMAS Time 05:20 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:-.
(2022-05-05 06:30:35)

Jl.Kayu Besar Ringroad agen Agramas...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Kapuk Ringroad:


Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 210K-273K
Bus AGRAMAS Time 05:10 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:-.
(2022-05-19 22:17:11)

Jl. Kyai Tapa, Terminal No.1, RT.1/...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Terminal Grogol:


Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 210K-273K
Bus AGRAMAS Time 06:00 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:-.
(2022-07-07 10:33:29)

Jl. Bambu Kuning Utara No.2, RT.7/R...
Bus Route:-...
Terminal Pilangsari
Schedule from Bambu Apus:

SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Executive 32 Seats
SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Executive 32 Seats
SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Executive 32 Seats
SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Executive 32 Seats

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Executive 32 Seats

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 235K-305K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 05:00 Class:Executive 32 Seats Fare: Rp 235.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:-.
(2022-05-28 22:56:28)

Jl. Raya Wangun Atas, Ciawi - Bogor...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Agen Ciawi Stj:

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 275K-357K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 05:00 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 275.000. this bus departs from TANJUNG PRIOK To Gemolong Bus Route:-.
(2022-03-13 13:37:49)

Jl. Daan Mogot, RT.4/RW.1, Kalidere...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Terminal Kalideres Stj:

Note: jadwalbis.com providing information about bus schedule and fare information but NO WARANTY for the accuracy of the information
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