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Indonesian Bus Schedule and Fare Information From Terminal Poris Plawad To Terminal Bus Ponorogo


5 result(s) found:

Mayora Trans

Class: Executive Seat 32

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 249K-324K
Bus MAYORA TRANS Time 11:15 Class:Executive Seat 32 Fare: Rp 249.750. this bus departs from TERMINAL PORIS PLAWAD To Terminal Bus Ponorogo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-27 18:27:21)

Jl. Bougenville IV Blok FE No.30, S...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Agen Pasar Kemis:

Mayora Trans

Class: Executive Seat 32

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 249K-324K
Bus MAYORA TRANS Time 14:00 Class:Executive Seat 32 Fare: Rp 249.750. this bus departs from TERMINAL PORIS PLAWAD To Terminal Bus Ponorogo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-27 18:27:21)

Ps. Ampera Smart Market, Jl. Daan M...
Bus Route:-...
Schedule from Agen Kebon Besar:

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Economy AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 255K-331K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 11:15 Class:Economy AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 255.000. this bus departs from TERMINAL PORIS PLAWAD To Terminal Bus Ponorogo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-27 18:27:21)

Ampera Tangerang : 11:15...
Bus Route:-...
Terminal Seloaji
Schedule from Agen Kebun Besar Stj:

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Economy AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 255K-331K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 11:00 Class:Economy AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 255.000. this bus departs from TERMINAL PORIS PLAWAD To Terminal Bus Ponorogo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-27 18:27:21)

Poris Tangerang Banten : 11:00...
Bus Route:-...
Terminal Seloaji
Schedule from Terminal Poris Stj:

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Economy AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 255K-331K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 10:35 Class:Economy AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 255.000. this bus departs from TERMINAL PORIS PLAWAD To Terminal Bus Ponorogo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-27 18:27:21)

Bitung Tangerang Banten : 10:35...
Bus Route:-...
Terminal Seloaji
Schedule from Agen Bitung 1 Stj (tanti):

Note: jadwalbis.com providing information about bus schedule and fare information but NO WARANTY for the accuracy of the information
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See Other Route :