Bus BUDIMAN Time 14.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 125.000. this bus departs from WONOSARI To BANDUNG CICAHEUM Bus Route:Pracimantoro- Wonosari- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purworejo- Kebumen- Karang Pucung- Majenang- Wanareja- Banjar Patroman- Ciamis- Tasikmalaya- Cileunyi- Cibiru- Bandung Cicaheum. (2023-04-18)
Bus MAJU LANCAR Time 16.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 140.000. this bus departs from WONOSARI To BANDUNG CICAHEUM Bus Route:Yogyakarta Giwangan- Kebumen. (2019-02-08)