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Indonesian Bus Schedule and Fare Information From Wuryantoro To Pasar Rebo


5 result(s) found:

AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)
AGRAMAS Executive AC (2+2)


Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 210K-273K
Bus AGRAMAS Time 05:50, 06:00 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from WURYANTORO To Pasar Rebo Bus Route:-.
(2022-07-08 01:15:58)

. Jl.proliman. Dringo . Giriwoyo. R...
Bus Route:-...
Terminal Pulo Gebang
Schedule from Dringo:
05:50, 06:00


Class: Executive AC (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 210K-273K
Bus AGRAMAS Time 06:00 Class:Executive AC (2+2) Fare: Rp 210.000. this bus departs from WURYANTORO To Pasar Rebo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-20 23:51:58)

Demesan, Giriwoyo, Kabupaten Wonogi...
Bus Route:-...
Pasar Rebo
Schedule from Giriwoyo:

Tunggal Dara

Class: Executive (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 220K-286K
Bus TUNGGAL DARA Time 05:10 Class:Executive (2+2) Fare: Rp 220.000. this bus departs from WURYANTORO To Pasar Rebo Bus Route:-.
(2022-06-07 14:38:43)

Tegalrejo, Purwantoro, Kabupaten Wo...
Bus Route:-...
Pasar Minggu
Schedule from Terminal Purwantoro:

Sudiro Tungga Jaya

Class: Executive 30 Seats

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 235K-305K
Bus SUDIRO TUNGGA JAYA Time 06:00 Class:Executive 30 Seats Fare: Rp 235.000. this bus departs from WURYANTORO To Pasar Rebo Bus Route:-.
(2022-04-24 10:11:36)

Bangsri, Purwantoro, Kabupaten Wono...
Bus Route:-...
Cijantung (jakarta Timur)
Schedule from Terminal Purwantoro Stj:

Sinar Jaya

Class: Executive Class (2+2)

Tarif Terjauh
Rp 460K-598K
Bus SINAR JAYA Time 11:30 Class:Executive Class (2+2) Fare: Rp 460.000. this bus departs from WURYANTORO To Pasar Rebo Bus Route:-.
(2022-07-17 08:30:41)

wuryantoro telp : : 11:30...
Bus Route:-...
Pasar Rebo
Schedule from Wuryantoro:

Note: jadwalbis.com providing information about bus schedule and fare information but NO WARANTY for the accuracy of the information
e f t w l

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