Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 0. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purwokerto. (2024-04-05)
Bus MULYO, ANTAR JAYA Time 04:30 s/d 17.00 Class:Ekonomi Non AC seat:3-2 Fare: Rp 45.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO . (2019-02-11)
Bus CITRA ADI LANCAR Time 08.00, 10.30, 12.15, 18.30, 20.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 110.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Purwokerto- Wangon. (2020-04-02)
Bus CITRA ADI LANCAR Time 07.00, 16.25 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 137.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Purworejo- Kutoarjo- Kotowinangun- Kebumen- Karanganyar- Gombong- Sumpiuh- Buntu- Purwokerto- Ajibarang- Bumi Ayu. (2020-04-02)
Bus CITRA ADI LANCAR Time 07.00, 16.25 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 145.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Purwokerto- Ketanggungan- Ciledug Cirebon- Cidahu. (2020-04-03)
Bus EFISIENSI Time 06.15 s.d 20.30 Setiap 1 Jam Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 85.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Bandara Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta- Wates- Purworejo- Kutoarjo- Karanganyar Kebumen- Kutowinangun- Kebumen- Gombong- Sokaraja. (2021-02-11)
Bus GUNUNG HARTA Time 19.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 145.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Lawang- Pandaan- Mojokerto- Jombang- Nganjuk- Kertosono- Caruban- Ngawi- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan. (2018-11-14)
Bus EKA CEPAT Time 09.45, 11.15, 16.25, 18.37 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 145.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Ngawi- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purworejo- Kebumen. (2020-12-06)
Bus EKA CEPAT Time 09.00,14.00, 17.20, 20.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 255.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Mojokerto- Jombang- Kertosono- Nganjuk- Caruban- Madiun- Ngawi- Gendingan- Solo- Klaten- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purworejo- Kebumen- Buntu- Purwokerto. (2020-06-28)
Bus SUGENG RAHAYU CEPAT Time 07.45, 08.45, 11.15, 14.15, 16.35, 19.55 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 149.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Madiun- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Magelang- Temanggung- Wonosobo- Banjar Negara. (2020-12-06)
Bus SUGENG RAHAYU CEPAT Time 10.00, 15.30 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 165.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purwokerto. (2020-12-06)
Bus SUGENG RAHAYU CEPAT Time 12.30 Class:Patas AC seat: Fare: Rp 195.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purwokerto. (2020-12-06)
Bus MANDALA (HANDOYO GROUP) Time 08.55, 13.00, 14.00 Class:Bisnis AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 180.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Nganjuk- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan- Purworejo- Kutoarjo- Kebumen- Gombong- Purwokerto- Wangon- Karang Pucung- Majenang- Wanareja- Ciamis- Banjar Patroman- Tasikmalaya- Nagreg- Cileunyi- Cibiru. (2020-12-06)
Bus ZENA Time 20.00 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 180.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Blitar- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan. (2015-11-12)
Bus HANDOYO Time 19.30 Class:Eksekutif AC seat:2-2 Fare: Rp 180.000. this bus departs from YOGYAKARTA GIWANGAN To PURWOKERTO Bus Route:Blitar- Solo- Yogyakarta Giwangan. (2015-11-12)